Reactive Road Repairs this Winter from BituChem
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Reactive road repairs are common during the winter time. The start of 2018 has seen a range of weather conditions descend upon the UK, all putting road surfaces under stress. Northern regions and elevated roads have been covered in snow and ice. Storm David and Storm Georgina swept across the country resulting in heavy rainfall and sleet. With widespread frosts at night as soon as the temperature drops. The ingress of surface water freezes and expands to form fissures and cracks which quickly become the scourge of the motorist – potholes.
Road Repairs with Minimal Disruption
Keeping our roads in their best working order is a constant task. Higher volumes of traffic and climate change mean that reactive road repairs are essential to keeping the nation moving. Whilst all local authorities carry out checks for potholes and surface damage, motorists can report them directly online. These reports are then checked with the most dangerous situations being prioritised. Teams are then deployed to make emergency road repairs.
BituChem has a variety of surface treatments and techniques for road repairs. Airpatch is an innovative bespoke highway emulsion used in conjunction with the mobile patch repair systems of local authority teams or contractors. It is a flexible means of delivering scheduled and emergency repairs to the carriageway. Full control of the process is available to the operative from within the cab of a spray tanker. The cleaning of the repair area, the application of chippings and AirPatch is all carried out via an extendable boom arm on the front of the truck. Once completed the vehicle compacts the surface. This is a very efficient process which minimises the disruption to other road users and improves worker safety as personnel remain in the safety of the cab.
Ask BituChem About Products for Road Repairs
BituChem manufacture a wide range of surface treatments for road repairs. Whether a council or highways agency is carrying out scheduled or emergency carriageway repairs we supply high quality durable road surfacing solutions. Please contact us today to discuss your requirements.