Sealing Roads Against Unseasonal Weather
This June has been one of the wettest on record highlighting the importance of sealing roads, Bituchem explains more...
Sealing Roads Against Unseasonal WeatherHow is Climate Change Damaging Roads?
Climate change is a topic which cannot be ignored and with good reason. We look at how this phenomenon is damaging our road systems and how to repair them.
How is Climate Change Damaging Roads?Make BituChem Part of Your Road Asset Management Plan
The largest and most visible community asset for which Councils up and down the country hold responsibility for is the highway infrastructure. Having a reliable supply of high quality materials to protect road surfaces and prolong their life is essential within a road asset management plan.
Make BituChem Part of Your Road Asset Management PlanThe Importance of Road Maintenance
Road infrastructure is a very important public asset. A society relies on a good road system as the basis to access jobs, health care, education and social connections. It's a crucial element in the development of communities locally and a country’s economic growth nationally and globally.
The Importance of Road MaintenanceRoad Sealing, why is it Important?
Road sealing is essential to protect the joints where sections of surfacing meet. Larger areas can also be treated and defended to improve the longevity of road surfacing once installed.
Road Sealing, why is it Important?Road Structure and Anatomy
Road structure is not something most drivers consider when travelling along a motorway or A Road. Beneath your wheels and tyres is a complex system of engineering which rivals that of any architecture and machinery.
Road Structure and AnatomyPothole Repair Solutions for National Pothole Day
Pothole repair is a hot topic in January, as this month sees the annual National Pothole Day. The condition of the UK’s roads and highways is brought into focus. Across social media and the press road users vent their frustration at the consequences of a collision with this type of surface defect.
Pothole Repair Solutions for National Pothole DayHighway Repairs for Winter Roads
Highway repairs during the winter tend to be reactive. Often caused by a spell of bad weather, snow, flooding, storm damage or burst water mains. The additional stresses to the highway surfacing combined with more road journeys lead to defects.
Highway Repairs for Winter RoadsRoad Emulsion Provides Efficient Solutions
Road emulsion provides a cost-effective way of maintaining streets and highways. Adding and restoring a new layer of surfacing prolongs the life of the road. It prevents the need for more invasive and disruptive reconstruction.
Road Emulsion Provides Efficient SolutionsHighway Surfacing for Winter Conditions
The clocks have changed, and Autumn is starting to give way to Winter. With it comes colder temperatures and more pressures on our roads.
Highway Surfacing for Winter Conditions