Goodnight and sleep tight Kate!

It’s with a heavy heart that we have to write this. A close and beloved friend of ours, Kate Butler, sadly passed away Wednesday 31st October after a long, brave battle with cancer.

Kate was a brave and inspirational woman, putting on charity events with Susie Coleman who she met through sharing the same consultant in an earlier prognosis with breast cancer and formed Breast Unit Events with. In the 10 years the pair have known each other they have raised so much money for the Worcestershire Breast Unit Haven, through organising live music events to hosting a snow ball.

Kate’s legacy will live on through Breast Unit Events and Susie Coleman. We feel honoured to have been a part of all their hard work and will continue to support both Worcestershire Breast Unit Haven and Breast Unit Events.

Rest in peace Kate, you will be sadly missed by all from all at BituChem and NatraTex.

Left to Right: Kate Butler, Jordenne Knapman of BituChem, Lexi Craigie of Worcestershire Breast Unit Haven, Michelle Paschali of BituChem and Susie Coleman

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