Road Repairs for Cycle Safety
Road repair is an important issue for all road users and cyclists are amongst the most vulnerable. BituChem has the solution...
Road Repairs for Cycle Safety
Micro Asphalt Prevents Major Roadworks
Micro Asphalt is applied to the road surface to prevent major road reconstruction. Acting as a reinforcement to the existing asphalt, providing a waterproof layer and once cured, improves traction.
Micro Asphalt Prevents Major Roadworks
Road Surfacing Products and Innovation
Road surfacing products are at the heart of BituChem. We make it our mission to manufacture and provide the highest quality products for road construction and highway repairs.
Road Surfacing Products and Innovation
Materials for Highway Repairs from BituChem
BituChem has a comprehensive range of products, emulsions, and materials for highway repairs.
Materials for Highway Repairs from BituChem